Emergency aid Philippines

The local population is in an emergency situation and our team is on the ground to respond to this crisis.

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    Emergency aid Philippines
    The local population is in an emergency situation and our team is on the ground to respond to this crisis.

    Following the fires in the Philippines, the local population is in an emergency situation and our team is on the ground to respond to this crisis.

    Our main goal is to provide basic assistance, including food distribution, to support the people affected by this difficult situation, including those who have already suffered from the devastation of previous fires. Your help is vital so that we can continue to provide our support to the people of the Philippines, especially in such critical times as these. Whether it is to deal with the aftermath of natural disasters, fires or other urgent needs, your contribution is vital.

    With your donation, we can immediately support such projects, among others.
    We refer to the provisions of our donation regulations.