Emergency Afghanistan

Our teams on the ground are working tirelessly to provide assistance, distributing food and drinking water.

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    Your donation has the power to save lives. Every donation helps.

    Emergency Afghanistan​
    Our teams on the ground are working tirelessly to provide assistance, distributing food and drinking water.

    The earthquakes in Afghanistan have created an emergency situation, adding to the challenges faced by the country’s population. The tremors caused damage to essential infrastructure, making it difficult for many people to access food, drinking water and healthcare.

    At the same time, political instability and insecurity have forced many families to flee their homes, leading to massive population displacement. These people often live in precarious conditions, exposed to the risk of disease, violence and deprivation.

    To respond to this emergency situation and the immediate needs of the poor and vulnerable population, we need your support. Your donation can play a crucial role in helping these communities in difficulty, whether as a result of the earthquakes or the ongoing challenges. Join us in our efforts to alleviate the suffering of those affected by these crises in Afghanistan.

    Among other things, your donation will enable us to provide immediate support for such projects.
    Please refer to our donation regulations.