Fidya / Kaffara

Kaffara literally means the expiation of a sin or wrong act.

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    Fidya / Kaffara

    What is Kaffara?​
    Kaffara literally means the expiation of a sin or transgression.​

    Kaffara for Interrupted Fasting:​
    If someone interrupts their fast without a valid reason, they must first sincerely repent before Allah. Additionally, they are obligated to fast for two consecutive months without interruption. If they are unable to do so, they must provide food for 60 needy individuals. However, before breaking the two-month fast, one must sincerely attempt or have the genuine intention to complete it. Otherwise, the expiation through donation is not valid, as fasting takes precedence.​

    Kaffara for Broken Vows:​
    Kaffara must also be paid if a vow is not fulfilled. If a vow is broken, one must feed or clothe ten needy individuals as a form of expiation.​

    What is Fidya?​
    Fidya is a form of compensation or substitute. According to most scholars, fidya is required for those who cannot fast during Ramadan due to old age or chronic illness. In the case of a temporary illness, the fast must be made up in the following days, and fidya cannot be used as a substitute. Fidya consists of providing food for a needy person for each day of fasting missed.​

    According to one of the Prophet’s companions, fidya is also valid for pregnant or breastfeeding women who refrain from fasting out of concern for their child. In this case, fidya is performed in the form of food for a needy person instead of fasting.​

    It’s important to note that different Islamic legal schools may have varying interpretations of these matters—it’s always advisable to consult your trusted imam!​

    With just 10 euros per person per day, you can help feed someone in need.​

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    So whoever of you is present during this month should fast; but whoever is ill or on a journey—then an equal number of other days. Allah intends for you ease and does not intend for you hardship and wants for you to complete the period and glorify Allah for that which He has guided you; perhaps you will be grateful.

    – Sura Al-Baqara, Verse 185 –