Zakat / Zekat for Gaza

Your Zakat Makes the Difference in Gaza!

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    Your donation has the power to save lives. Every donation helps.

    Zakat / Zekat for Gaza
    Your Zakat Makes the Difference in Gaza!

    Give your Zakat today to help our brothers and sisters in need in Gaza. Every donation counts.

    Almsgiving is only for the poor, the needy, those who are in charge thereof ,those whose hearts need to be familiarized,(the ransom of) slaves, those indebted in the way of Allah, and (for) the son of the way as an obligation from Allah. Allah is All-Knowing and All-Wise.
    – Sura Al Tauba, Verse 60 –

    And establish prayer and establish Zakat. Whatever good you do for your souls, you will find it with Allah. Behold, Allah sees what you do.

    – Sura Al Baqara, verse 110 –

    Your zakat is used for zakat-eligible programs that benefit the poor and needy, making a difference!

    Here you’ll find answers to the most frequently asked questions:

    Calculate your Zakat

      Your cash assets include any money in your bank account(s) or in your possession. Bank deposits should be excluded from the calculation of your zakat.
      Gold and silver that you have as an investment and not for daily use.
      All real estate, except your home, must be subject to zakat. If you are in the real estate business, zakat is due on the current value of the property. However, if your real estate is rented, then zakat is due on the savings from the rental income.
      Your cash assets include any money in your bank account(s) or in your possession. Bank deposits should be excluded from the calculation of your zakat.
      If you do not intend to sell the shares, zakat is due on the dividends. However, if you buy and sell the shares, then zakat is due on their current market value.
      The income from cash investments tends to be subject to a fixed rate of interest, which is unlawful and should be excluded from the calculation, but the original amount of the investment is subject to zakat.
      If you are a debtor, and you believe that this debt can be repaid on demand, include it here. However, if you have any doubts about the date and/or possibility of repayment, do not include it here but include it in the zakat of the year in which the repayment was made. If only a portion of this debt has been repaid, zakat is due on the portion repaid only.
      Add the total value of cash in your possession or in banks + the (current) value of the goods for sale + raw materials (purchase price)

      Unpaid rent, mortgage payments, bills (water, electricity, etc.) or money you owe, all unpaid, overdue or overdue debts should be excluded.
      Unpaid rent, mortgage payments, bills, staff salaries or money owed by you, any unpaid, overdue or overdue debts should be excluded.

      Total subjected to zakat

      0   EUR

      Nissab in gold
      5 200 EUR 87.48g
      Nissab in silver
      280 EUR 612.36g

      Summary of your zakat

      Total assets
      0   EUR
      Minus total liabilities
      0   EUR
      Total subjected to zakat
      0   EUR
      Zakat to pay
      0   EUR